SSRE 부동산
안성당 한의원

Banner 제작 경력자 채용합니다. (가족보험 100% 제공 등 각종 베네핏)

  • 구인
  • 09/17/2024

Austell, GA 에 위치한 HL CHOICE CORP. (dba. SUNSSC) Distribution Center 에서 Print Production 부분으로 인원을 충원합니다.

모집분야: Print Production Specialist

자격요건: 취업에 결격 사유가 없는 분

고용형태: 정규직

근무요일: 주 5일(월, 화, 수, 목, 금)

근무시간: 08:00 am ~ 05:00 pm

근무지역: On site (Austell, GA)

급여: 면접 후 결정

HL Choice Corp. (SUNSSC) is looking for a qualified Print Production Specialist/Operator to be responsible for all in-house printing operations and banner production for the Company's promotional demands in collaboration with the Creative Design's department.

Qualified candidates should also be knowledgeable in performing basic maintenance and handling of commercial printing equipment.



• Review and produce promotional materials according to sales requests and specifications.

• Train and supervise junior staff on printing and company procedures.

• Conduct and report on cost analysis.

• Prioritize and execute production requests to ensure on time delivery.

• Manage and report inventory of printing supplies.

• Monitor and assess post production quality controls.

• Maintain printing equipment at optimal condition and request repair service if necessary.

• May perform other duties as assigned or required.



• 5+ years’ experience in Graphic design and Digital printing

• Strong knowledge of commercial and oversized printing (Experience with “Mutoh” brand printer is plus)

• Advanced design skills in typography, color, layout, and post-production work

• Advanced skills in production software, such as SAi Rip program and Adobe Illustrator

• Self-motivated, highly detailed and organized

• Basic knowledge of commercial printers and additional equipment

• Management and coordination skills

• Proficient in English and Korean

• Ability to work independently and in a team environment, multitask, set own priorities and adapt to a changing environment



- Medical insurance (including Family) + Group Term Life Insurance

- 401(K) Retirement Savings plan with up to 5% company match

- Paid Vacation, Personal/Sick Time Off & Holidays

- Discretionary Bonus


관심있으신 분께서는 hr@sunssc.com으로 이력서 및 자기소개서를 보내주시기 바라며, Subject 란에 이름과 지원 position 적어주시기 바랍니다.

인터뷰 대상자께는 서류 심사 후 개별 연락 드립니다.

많은 관심/지원 바랍니다

댓글 0

의견쓰기::상업광고,인신공격,비방,욕설,음담패설등의 코멘트는 예고없이 삭제될수 있습니다. (0/100자를 넘길 수 없습니다.)

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