SSRE 부동산
안성당 한의원

전기 엔지니어 채용

  • 구인
  • tt몽
  • 10/22/2024



카터스빌 소재 한국 대기업에서 전기 엔지니어분들을 채용하고 있으니 많은 지원 부탁 드립니다.

Oversee and manage all electrical aspects of the construction site. Be responsible for ensuring the successful execution of electrical projects, compliance with safety regulations, and effective management of the electrical team in Cell & U1 building. This role demands excellent leadership, problem-solving abilities, and a thorough understanding of electrical systems and construction processes.
• Plan, schedule, and supervise all electrical activities on the construction site.
1. Review project schedules to ensure timely completion of electrical work.
2. Supervise the installation of electrical systems, ensuring compliance with plans, specifications, and safety standards.
3. Provide regular updates and progress reports to project managers
• Coordinate with project managers, architects, engineers, and other stakeholders to ensure timely and cost-effective project completion.
    1. Coordinate with contractor and Commissioning 3rd party to meet all operational
requirement and perform as intended.
    2. Diagnose and resolve electrical issues that arise during construction.
• Serve as the primary point of contact for all electrical-related inquiries and issues on the construction site.
    1. Offer electrical schedule and support to other team members.
• Facilitate effective communication between different teams and departments to ensure smooth project execution.
• Associate degree in electrical Engineering
• 5+ years of experience in Process Plant and Industrial maintenance.
• Training certificate in Industrial Plant Maintenance.
• Strong troubleshooting and diagnostic skills.
• Proficient in project management and verbal communication.

원하시는 희망 급여와 이력서를 보내 주시면 검토 후에 연락 드리겠습니다. 감사합니다. , 404-922-9137





댓글 0

의견쓰기::상업광고,인신공격,비방,욕설,음담패설등의 코멘트는 예고없이 삭제될수 있습니다. (0/100자를 넘길 수 없습니다.)

el dorado
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