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안성당 한의원

Logistics Coordinator @ Dalton, GA에서 사원 채용합니다

  • 구인
  • 피플4net
  • 11/27/2024



Logistics Coordinator @ Dalton, GA에서 사원 채용합니다.

* 채용분야 : Logistics Coordinator @ Dalton, GA

* 위치: Dalton, GA

지원 및 문의방법

ㆍ 으로 이력서 송부
>> 궁금하신 사항은 Hannah (214-444-0240)으로 문의해 주세요.

ㆍ서류(이력서) 전형 -> 인터뷰 -> 채용


Job Description:

We are seeking a motivated Warehouse Coordinator to support our team with SAP/ERP/WMS data input and management, along with various operational tasks in our warehouse facility. This role will provide valuable experience in logistics, inventory management, and customer service while working in a fast-paced environment.

Key Responsibilities
1. SAP/ERP/WMS Data Entry and Management:
• Input, update, and maintain data in the SAP/ERP system related to inventory, shipments, and warehouse operations.
• Ensure accuracy of data and make necessary adjustments to align with operational changes.
• Generate reports from the SAP/ERP system to support warehouse operations.

2. Truck Arrangements:
• Sign drivers in and out of the facility, ensuring accurate records are maintained.
• Direct drivers to the appropriate loading/unloading bays and maintain a log of all vehicle activity.

3. Paperwork Verification:
• Verify all incoming and outgoing paperwork, ensuring completeness and accuracy.
• Maintain organized records of bills of lading, packing slips, and other shipping documentation.

4. Monthly Inventory and Invoicing:
• Assist in conducting monthly inventory counts and reconciliations.
• Support the finance department by helping to compile monthly invoices based on inventory and shipment data.

5. Trailer and Yard Management:
• Maintain accurate door assignment records and oversee the yard report for trailer inventory.
• Reconcile inbound shipments with packing slips and coordinate drop lot activity for trailers.

6. Customer Service:
• Provide customer service to internal departments and external customers regarding shipment status, inventory issues, and other inquiries.

7. Clerical and Administrative Support:
• Perform basic clerical tasks such as filing, data entry, and organizing documents.
• Support the warehouse team with various administrative tasks as needed.

8. Additional Responsibilities:
• Assist in other tasks as required by warehouse operations, including helping with special projects or urgent operational needs.

• Currently pursuing a degree in Logistics, Supply Chain, Business, or a related field (preferred but not required).
• Basic knowledge of SAP/ERP systems or a strong willingness to learn.
• Strong organizational skills and attention to detail.
• Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and manage multiple tasks.
• Good communication and customer service skills.
• Proficiency in Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, etc.).
• Willingness to perform both clerical and operational tasks in a warehouse setting.
• Bilingual proficiency in English and Korean is preferred.




댓글 0

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