SSRE 부동산
안성당 한의원

Math, Science, and College Prep Classes from Ivy League student

  • 과외
  • RKIM
  • 01/14/2025



Classes Offered: Any math class up to and including GT Distance, any AP Science classes, SAT/ACT Preparation, College Essay Writing and Interview Preparation


About Me:

I am a former Chattahoochee grad and senior at Brown University studying Applied Mathematics and Economics with a track in Computer Science. I have been tutoring students for the past four years, in subjects ranging from Algebra to GT Multivariable Calculus to College Applications to SAT Preparation. Many of my long-term tutees have gone on to improve their grades, score better on the SAT, and get accepted at universities such as Georgia Tech and the Ivies.


Contact Me:

Phone (Korean and English): 470-304-1865






댓글 0

의견쓰기::상업광고,인신공격,비방,욕설,음담패설등의 코멘트는 예고없이 삭제될수 있습니다. (0/100자를 넘길 수 없습니다.)

el dorado
11939 [ 구인 ]해외 (동남아) 남여 직원 모집 합니다.7이준수01/15/2025
11938 [ 구인 ]해외TM일자리 남여직원 상시모집합니다7kinzleigh willey01/14/2025
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11929 [ 과외 ]Math, Science, and College Prep Classes from Ivy League student17RKIM01/14/2025
11919 [ 구인 ]Americasmart 에서 Temporary Sales 모십니다.19liah01/14/2025
11917 [ 구인 ]해외 (동남아) 남여 직원 모집 합니다.12ThyOanh NgocYen01/14/2025
11906 [ 구인 ]해외모집~ 같이 일해요^^20김정하01/13/2025
11905 [ 구인 ]❤️❤️❤️ 마케팅 / 홍보 / 디자인 필요하신 분! ❤️❤️❤️20Joo Lee01/13/2025
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