SSRE 부동산
안성당 한의원

Full Time Office Administrator

  • 구인
  • 일출
  • 10/17/2023

Full Time Office Administrator

Our company is a Federally Designated Regional Center located in Suwanee, Georgia

Position:  Full Time Office Administrator

Job Duties:  Will be doing a combination of the following:

Bookkeeping using Quickbooks

Data Entry and tracking client status on eimmigration software

Answering emails and following up as necessary with various investors.

Providing excellent customer service over the phone, in person and by email as needed.

Assisting executives and directors as needed.



Bilingual in Korean and English.  Must be able to write professionally in Korean and English.

High attention to detail

Very organized

Friendly and empathetic communication

Team player

Comfortable using Microsoft Word, Excel, PPT, Sharepoint, Teams and Outlook.


Please send Resume to

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의견쓰기::상업광고,인신공격,비방,욕설,음담패설등의 코멘트는 예고없이 삭제될수 있습니다. (0/100자를 넘길 수 없습니다.)

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