SSRE 부동산
안성당 한의원

Flower Shop Part Time Employee

  • 구인
  • 플라워
  • 11/04/2023

We are looking for an employee to assist with daily tasks and also managing social media to better serve our customers and build the Flower Talk brand. This position is part-time and located in the studio/shop.

The ideal candidate for this role is someone with skills in social media marketing/content management and an interest in working with flowers. They should be empathetic to the needs of the customer and have the ability to communicate in English. If any of these qualities apply to you, we gladly invite you to apply.

Who we’re looking for:

* Able to communicate with English-speaking customers

* Assist with administrative tasks as well as other duties

* Kind & empathetic to the needs of customers

* Marketing experience & knowledge (plus)


Please send a resume/work experience and a brief introduction of yourself and why you'd like to work with us to

If your skills and experience match the requirements, we’ll invite you to an interview

댓글 0

의견쓰기::상업광고,인신공격,비방,욕설,음담패설등의 코멘트는 예고없이 삭제될수 있습니다. (0/100자를 넘길 수 없습니다.)

el dorado
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