Legal Secretary or Legal Assistant 포지션 - 1명
업무: 전화응대, 우체국업무, 비자 인터뷰 예약, 변호사 업무 지원(신청서 및 패키지 준비)
자격: 대졸(전공무관), 한국어 필수
근무조건: M-F 풀타임, $42,000/년 ~ $48,000/년
Legal Writer position is available - 1명
Job Duties:
Responsible for writing and editing different types of content in handling clients' cases. Legal background is not required but summarizing complex information as well as good writing skills are very helpful.
Assist attorney in reviewing clients' corporate documents and material to prepare various immigration related forms and packages.
Responsible for gathering necessary information from clients.
Prepare documents for clients' visa/LPR interview process.
Bachelor's Degree (Master's Degree preferred)
Excellent writing skills
Korean fluency is required (한국어 필수)
Job Type: Full time (M-F)
Pay: From $54,000/년
If interested, please send your resume to
5명의 이민법 전문 변호사와 5명의 스페셜리스트로 구성된 이민법전문 변호사 사무실에서 함께 성장할 신입 스페셜리스트를 구하오니 많은 지원 바랍니다.
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