SSRE 부동산
안성당 한의원

다운타운 노숙자 사역에서 도움이 필요합니다

  • 구인
  • downtown
  • 01/14/2024




메이커 스마일은 아틀란타 다운타운에서 노숙자 봉사를 하고 있는 비영리 단체입니다.

지난4년동안 노숙자들에게 필요한 음식과 물품들을 전해주고 예수님도 전하는 사역을 감당해왔습니다.

겨욱이 되면 특히 침낭과 이불등 겨울용품들이 많이 필요합니다.

저는 봉사자중 한명인데 요즘 특히 남자옷들이 필요해서 이렇게 알립니다.

주위에 혹시 안 쓰시는 옷들이 있으시면 도네이션 해주시면 감사하겠습니다.

입었던 옷들도 괜찮습니다. 겨울바지, 잠바, 코트 등등 있으시면 연락주세요,




Our Mission

Church that outreach 

The Make a Smile Foundation is a Christian Mission Organization that provides support to the homeless community in downtown Atlanta. We do this by offering rehabilitation and referral programs aimed at creating self-sufficiency both physically and spiritually. We believe that the Lord wants to reach the souls of the lost in the homeless community by renewing their spirits and their minds.  Through this inward and outward transformation, they will be equipped to stand as leaders, bringing salt and light to their communities.


Program + Result

 Jesus said in Matthew 25:45: 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

We serve the homeless community in downtown Atlanta twice per week. On Sundays and Mondays, we deliver food and other necessary supplies while at the same time providing worship services where participants can hear the word of God taught and receive counseling and prayer. In addition, we also offer specific one on one counseling for pregnant women in the homeless community, focusing on mental stability and the steps needed for healthy childbirth.


Relationship is a crucial part of the transformation we aim to see in the homeless community. Through life-on-life discipleship we will share the love of God and encourage program participants to see themselves as God does, realizing their immeasurable value through the love of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

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의견쓰기::상업광고,인신공격,비방,욕설,음담패설등의 코멘트는 예고없이 삭제될수 있습니다. (0/100자를 넘길 수 없습니다.)

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