SSRE 부동산
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OTA America Atlanta Branch 직원 모집

  • 구인
  • Seeking
  • 02/01/2024

OTA America, Inc.는 극동 아시아에서 더욱 강력한 네트워크를 보유하고 전 세계적으로 글로벌 연결을 갖춘 국제 물류 회사입니다(

OTA AMERICA Atlanta Branch 에서 능력있고 참신한 인재를 모집합니다.

Atlanta 지점에 아래와 같이 직원을 모집하고 있으니 많은 지원 부탁드립니다.

1. 업무내용

- 수입/수출 업무 : 0명 (경력 및 신입)

2. 근무지 : Duluth, GA 30097

3. 지원 자격

1) 언어 : 영어 / 한국어

2) 컴퓨터 : MS Office

3) 미국 내 기업 근무에 결격 사유가 없는 자

4. 지원 서류

1) 이력서 (한글 또는 영문)

2) 송부처 E-Mail: &

5. Website :

6. Benefit

1) Health / Dental / Vision 보험

2) Paid Vacation / Sick Day / Holiday Time Off

3) Lunch provided

4) 401K Plan

5) Bonus(will depend on Eligibility and performance)

7) 근무 시간

- 8:30AM에서 9:00AM~5:30PM에서 6:00PM (월~금) - 주 5일근무



OTA America, Inc. is an international logistics company with global connections throughout the world, with even stronger network in Far East Asia (


We are currently seeking a highly motivated, reliable, and goal-oriented ambitious individuals to fill the following positions open:

* Position: Freight Forwarding Operation Coordinator

* Responsibility:

-  Create air/ocean export documentation including MB/L instruction, MAWB, HB/L or HAWB, manifest, invoices,

  delivery orders and file reports

-  Researching spot-on and competitive rates pricing for profitability

-  Track, trace and update the status of the shipments on a daily basis and follow up inquiries responsibly

-  Maintain strong and effective relationships with customers, vendors, agents and co-workers

-  Generate A/R, A/P billing and Report Profit & Loss timely

-  Other duties as assigned


* Requirement:

-  1+ years of experience in domestic and international import/export operations

-  Understanding of the supply chain, including common obstacles and effective solutions

-  Ability to work diligently, independently and work well with others

-  Ability to keep a level head and outstanding problem-solving

-  Ability to organize and handle multiple tasks responsibly

-  Accurate with numbers and calculations

Document to be submitted

• Resume (Korean or English)

• E-mail : &


A) Health/Dental/Vision Insurance

B) Paid Vacation & Sick Day / Holiday Time Off

C) Lunch Provided

D) 401k Plan

E) Bonus (will depend on eligibility and performance)

Working Time : Mon. to Fri - 5 days per week / From 8:30 am~9:00 am to 5:30 pm~6:00 pm

댓글 0

의견쓰기::상업광고,인신공격,비방,욕설,음담패설등의 코멘트는 예고없이 삭제될수 있습니다. (0/100자를 넘길 수 없습니다.)

el dorado
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