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안성당 한의원

트럼프 대통령 취임식 초청장

  • James Kim
  • 01/08/2025

Formal Invitation for Yong

 Inbox Promotions Trump Vance Inaugural Committee Unsubscribe Jan 7, 2025, 8:03 PM (11 hours ago) to me An image of the Inaugural Seal .

 "Inauguration of President and Vice President 2025" text in image.

The Trump Vance Inaugural Committee requests the honor of your presence at the Inauguration of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States of America and JD Vance as Vice President of the United States.

 An image of the U.S. Capitol building. "Join President Trump in Washington" text in image. ACCEPT INVITATION This moment will go down in history and we want you to be there to witness it.

Be there to welcome President Trump into his historic second term! RSVP HERE Due to the abundance of Americans planning to attend this monumental event, please RSVP as soon as possible.

Join thousands of other proud Americans to witness greatness being restored to our country. Let President Trump know now if you will be in attendance! Thank you, Trump Vance Inaugural Committee ACCEPT INVITATION Paid for by Never Surrender, Inc.

 Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's authorized committee. Click here to unsubscribe or change your subscription status. Privacy Policy

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